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Australian House Building Manual Allan Staines 9th Updated Edition

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Australian House Building Manual Allan Staines 9th Updated Edition

Step by Step Guide to House Building

The Allan Staines building manuals have become the go to books for Apprentices, Builders, Owner Builders, Renovators and the home handy man in Australia for many years. This new edition brings the illustrations and text right up to date with the latest methods applied across Australia

The 9th Edition of this popular title is a book worth its weight in gold to everyone involved in house building.

This entirely Australian manual is thoroughly researched in co-operation with the Australian Timber, Brick, Concrete and other relevant associations. It is written in Allan Staines usual easy to comprehend style.

This manual has over 660 clear and technically accurate drawings covering each stage of construction. The text and drawings correlate well. The manual covers the foundations and carpentry aspect in detail as well as brick veneer, cavity brick and concrete brick systems and weatherboard.

The manual provides current trade practices and hints that help bridge the gap between theory and practice. For these reasons it is an essential class room text.

-Over 660 illustrations
-Timber Frame Weatherboard construction
-Brick veneer construction
-Cavity brick construction
-Concrete Block Construction
-Setting out the site
-Foundations and Footings
-Footing and Slab floors
-Timber floor framing
-Truss roof construction
-The installation of fittings such as:Windows, doors, weatherboards, baths, shower recesses and mouldings
-Wet areas
-Flashings, stair and handrail construction
-Plan reading
-Estimating Quantities
-Termite proofing
-Building in bushfire areas
-Retaining walls
-Adhesives and sealants
-Thin section render
-Safety and more

Allan Staines is the author of:
The Australian House Building Manual a Step by Step Guide to House Building
The Australian Renovator's Manual The easy step by step guide to Home Renovations
Owner Builder & Renovator Step by Step Guide to Building or Extending your Own Home
The Australian Decks & Pergolas Construction Manual
Roof Building Manual The Easy Step by Step Guide with Tables & Bevels

These manuals have become classic workhorses for Apprentices, Builders and Owner Builders in Australia for many years. These new editions brings the illustrations and text right up to date with the latest methods applied across Australia.

By Carol Staines:
A very Practical Guide to Interior Decorating The Easy Guide to Decorating Like the Professionals